Sunday, January 26, 2020

Spanish Day 2 Report

As I stated at the beginning of this renewed blog, I am going to use it as a way to keep myself accountable. I almost went to bed without updating my progress, which meant that I almost failed on Day 2. Can you believe it? Well, here's the update:

Today, I did not see my Spanish-Native coworkers (not entirely sure why) so I was not able to challenge myself to speak to them. However, because I had my Spanish books out and was reading them when I had the chance, I was approached by 4 different residents who informed me that they were also learning Spanish (I guess language learning is a New Year's Resolution for many people). I was aware that one of them was, but I was surprised by the other 3. I found it quite interesting, and we swapped ideas about study methods/technology.

Meanwhile, I made it through the first 2 chapters of Spanish Demystified. I must say, I feel like I am less mystified. The book does a pretty decent job of explaining that some things in Spanish are ALWAYS true, some things are OFTEN true, and some things are CONFUSING. So, at least the author is being honest. BUT, I did get the point that j's are yiddish Ch sound, as are sometimes g's, so that's good. I'd say that's fair.

It was a slow day at work, so Duolingo got a lot of use today. I am now 5 on Intro, Phrases, and Travel, and can say things like "Yo tengo un vaso de cafe con azucar sin leche" which is far more than I new when I started this challenge a few days ago. I kept messing up the verb forms (bebo v. bebe v. bebes) in my evening review, however, so I'm hoping I can get better at that. I also messed up a bunch of masculine/feminine indicators... lame. Good progress though.

I did not know that Duolingo had sponsored podcast episodes. I ended up listening to the story of a lady who inherited her abuelo's Mescal factory on my way to work today. That's a neat feature which I do recommend.

In conclusion: Yo necesito acostarse. Mi esposa esta alli. Buenas Noches

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