Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 7 - July 7th подскажите пожалуйста

Well, the schedule says "GRAMMAR, VOCAB, LISTENING." I listened to about 3 hours of Russian TV/Radio today, so I guess I got that down in spades. However, I didn't really sit down to study Russian today. I spent a large portion of the day hanging out with friends or taking a nap. That pretty much killed my chances to study Russian.

Anyway, I realize that I need to make it more of a priority. Sure, I listened to some Russian talk radio on the road, and sure I did Pimsleur's lessons 4 and 5 today, which puts me almost a week ahead of schedule, I still didn't do vocab and grammar.

As the saying goes, "you can't build a city without roads," so you can't build a language without a structure (grammar). You also can't build it without materials (vocab). So, I listen (and get very little out of it) and I speak, which is practicing the very few words I know. If I want to actually accomplish this thing, I must STUDY.

Good Luck everyone. Study Hard. Study Smart. Study S-MART.

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