Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 24 and 25 Tolong berikan saya waktu. Kita perlu waktu untuk belajar

So, you see that I had to do a double post. That's because I worked 12 hours yesterday, from 10am to 10pm, and upon returning, it seems that everyone had gone out drinking, so I was busy with people coming home and needing to be put to bed. The moral of the story was that even though I studied, I was unable to post. So, today, there is a double post. I hope to finish strong and not have double posts like this anymore.

Here's the rules for Day 24:
1.       Open your newspaper or magazine and continue where you left off, highlighting and reading.
2.       After 10 minutes with the newspaper, read Chapter 24 of your course book.
3.       Write in your notebook all the vocabulary from that chapter
4.       Write on the flashcards all the vocabulary from that chapter and the newspaper
5.       Find your phrasebook (Or idiom book) and begin memorizing necessary phrases.
6.       Find your Language Audio files and do lesson 17.
7.       Utilize hidden time to study flashcards
8.       Study flashcards before going to bed

And here's Day 25:
1.       Open your newspaper or magazine and continue where you left off, highlighting and reading.
2.       After 10 minutes with the newspaper, read Chapter 25 of your course book.
3.       Write in your notebook all the vocabulary from that chapter
4.       Write on the flashcards all the vocabulary from that chapter and the newspaper
5.       Find your phrasebook (Or idiom book) and begin memorizing necessary phrases.
6.       Find your Language Audio files and do lesson 18.
7.       Utilize hidden time to study flashcards
8.       Study flashcards before going to bed

As you guys know, I'm behind on the audio files, they got harder and I didn't have the $24 for the next CD set. Well, I got my paycheck and fortunately had enough disposable income to purchase that set. So today, Day 25, I did lesson 15 and tomorrow I will start 16, and hopefully, I'll be caught up by the 30th. I'm back ontrack for that.

Chapter 24 was more about the confix (as I'm calling it now) of ber- -an, and its effect on verbs. There were 110 vocabulary in this chapter, which has been the stumbling block and the thing standing in the way of my desire to learn Indonesian. I have a back log of so many, that my motivation is turning off. I think that 50 words a day would be much more reasonable.

Chapter 25 was a nice refresher chapter. It still had 70 words, but the actually lesson portion of the chapter covered nominalization with -nya, and the reduplication of verbs. I think that the reduplication section would be much better served near the beginning, but I understand it now and that's really all that matters.

I did not have time to cover a newspaper article, which is bad, but tomorrow I will. Time for me to return to cleaning the house before I leave for work yet again. Good luck on your language study efforts.

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